Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is Now the Perfect Time to Renew My Wireless Contract?

Renewing my wireless plan has always felt like more of a sport to me then a routine task that comes along every 3 years or less.  The name of the game is don’t get screwed by your wireless provider and try to squeeze as many features and services out of them as possible.  My track record speaks for itself.  Three years ago I negotiated what I thought was a tremendous deal from Rogers.  Sure I had to call several times over the course of many weeks and speak to half a dozen sales reps, but the folks in retention finally came through with a great offer, as they always do. 

Here’s what I got:
250 daytime minutes, unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 6pm, unlimited incoming calls, free Rogers to Rogers calling, 2,500 text messages, voice mail, call display, and all that jazz for a grand total of $27 before taxes. 

The one feature I was unwilling to add at that point in time was data.  Remember that 3 years ago the iphone was the most advanced Smartphone on the market (some might argue it still is) and showing off your Blackberry was still considered cool amongst teens.

The mobile landscape today is vastly different then October of 2008 and perhaps best described as a hyper competitive battlefield of Android vs. iOS. 

I’m finally ready to add a data plan and join the ever connected world of mobile communications, so I too can update my status on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn while eating, sleeping, working, playing, and driving (just kidding, that ain’t safe).

These days I’m more interesting in getting my hands on the newest and best gadgets and less inspired to milk my wireless provider for all their worth. Having said all this I’d like to know what type of offers competing telecom companies are offering to keep their existing clientele happy.  Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section.




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