Sunday, August 21, 2011

HP TouchPad Instock at this Best Buy Location?

Best Buy website, August 21st 9:00AM
After news dropped Friday that HP was discontinuing production of their TouchPad tablet, eager tech enthusiasts (myself included) hit the streets in search for bargain prices at local Best Buy stores.  To our dismay, inventory of the once abundant device appeared all but sold out chain wide, except for one store in Leaside allegedly claiming to be in stock!...

Leaside Best Buy store, 30 minutes before opening

An initial gathering of 30 people quickly turned to a mob of 100 anxious customers waiting to get their hands on the HP TouchPad. 

5 minutes before opening
With anticipation building, associates of this Best Buy location wasted no time before crushing the last remaining hopes of the faithful.  "We are sold out!" was the message delivered just minutes before doors opened at 11.  Apparently, the "in stock" status on Best Buy's website had not been updated with the current inventory, which was none, thus creating a frenzy on this Sunday morning and all but crushing any last remaining hopes that a $99 HP TouchPad tablet could be found.


Wow, what a bummer. No riots? I'd be mad as hell!

No riots, but if they did actually have some in stock that would be another story.

You can order them online at HP's website. Not sure if they're still available, but my buddy picked one up on the weekend

I don't get it, it had a "x" beside Leaside meaning it was out of stock. Btw, all fs and best buy's accept their on line orders before open, thus if you ordered one in the middle of the night it got accepted (if they had the stock). Thats how I got mine and probably why it had a check mark, if it did, at open. Also, what were all those people thinking... as if best buy would have 50+ units, hp only sold 30 units a throughout the best buy canada chain, I doubt they would have high stock levels in any of their stores.

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